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Compressed air vane motors, 400/550 Watts
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序号 产品编号 名称 Weight [kg] Length L [mm] Air consumption** [l/min] Stall moment Minimum starting torque [Nm] Nominal torque [Nm] No-load speed Nominal speed Description 售价 订购数量
1.0 RDR 550/275 1.7 213 820 38.2 28.6 19.1 550 275 non-reversible. clockwise rotation. non stalling. nominal performance: 550 Watt ¥7281.52
2.0 RDU 400/200 1.7 213 700 38.2 28.6 19.1 400 200 reversible. stall-resistant. nominal performance: 400 Watt ¥7825.28
3.0 RDR 550/1025 1.4 172 820 10.2 7.7 5.1 2.050 1025 non-reversible. clockwise rotation. non stalling. nominal performance: 550 Watt ¥5679.44
4.0 RDR 550/350 1.7 213 820 30.0 22.5 15.0 700 350 non-reversible. clockwise rotation. non stalling. nominal performance: 550 Watt ¥7281.52
5.0 RDR 550/230 1.7 213 820 45.7 34.2 22.8 460 230 non-reversible. clockwise rotation. non stalling. nominal performance: 550 Watt ¥7281.52
6.0 RDU 400/190 1.7 213 700 40.2 30.2 20.1 380 190 reversible. stall-resistant. nominal performance: 400 Watt ¥7825.28
7.0 RDR 550/1500 1.4 172 820 7.0 5.2 3.5 3.000 1500 non-reversible. clockwise rotation. non stalling. nominal performance: 550 Watt ¥5679.44
8.0 RDR 550/1210 1.4 172 820 8.7 6.5 4.3 2.420 1210 non-reversible. clockwise rotation. non stalling. nominal performance: 550 Watt ¥5679.44
9.0 RDU 400/900 1.4 172 700 8.4 6.4 4.2 1.800 900 reversible. stall-resistant. nominal performance: 400 Watt ¥6224.00
10.0 LRDR 550/125 2.1 255 900* - max. 35.0 max. 35.0 125 97* non-reversible. clockwise rotation. not non-stalling. nominal performance: 550 Watt ¥7595.12
11.0 LRDR 550/360 1.7 213 820* - max. 35.0 max. 35.0 360 144* non-reversible. clockwise rotation. not non-stalling. nominal performance: 550 Watt ¥7281.52
12.0 LRDR 550/10 2.6 297 940* - max. 35.0 max. 35.0 10 9.8* non-reversible. clockwise rotation. not non-stalling. nominal performance: 550 Watt ¥8082.48
13.0 RDU 400/330 1.7 213 700 23.1 17.3 11.5 660 330 reversible. stall-resistant. nominal performance: 400 Watt ¥7825.28
14.0 RDU 400/170 1.7 213 700 44.9 33.7 22.5 340 170 reversible. stall-resistant. nominal performance: 400 Watt ¥7825.28
15.0 LRDR 550/75 2.1 255 900* - max. 35.0 max. 35.0 75 66* non-reversible. clockwise rotation. not non-stalling. nominal performance: 550 Watt ¥7595.12
16.0 RDU 400/240 1.7 213 700 31.8 23.9 15.9 480 240 reversible. stall-resistant. nominal performance: 400 Watt ¥7825.28
17.0 RDU 400/1350 1.4 172 700 5.6 4.2 2.8 2.700 1350 reversible. stall-resistant. nominal performance: 400 Watt ¥6224.00
18.0 RDU 400/1065 1.4 172 700 7.2 5.4 3.6 2.130 1065 reversible. stall-resistant. nominal performance: 400 Watt ¥6224.00
19.0 LRDR 550/28 2.6 297 920* - max. 35.0 max. 35.0 28 26* non-reversible. clockwise rotation. not non-stalling. nominal performance: 550 Watt ¥8082.48
Compressed air vane motors, 400/550 Watts

ATEX conform design EX II 2G c T4
Temperature range: compressed air temperature: +10°C to max. +40°C, max. ambient temperature: +60°C
Optional: Mounting flange -FL, mounting brackets -W, ATEX certificate -X
*at maximum permissible torque, **at nominal performance
Catalogue page Pneumatic Atlas 5 (Page 321)
All technical data are to be understood as non-binding reference values. prices given plus VAT
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